Experienced Guard

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Huh? Doctor! It's rare to see you here! You're usually in your office.

Experienced Guard (Japanese: 中堅隊員, Chūken taiin, "Middle Rank Guard") is a member of HOTFIX. He makes his first appearance in Chapter 4, and also appears in Ganbare! HOTFIX and SUKIMA TALK.


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Miki and Experienced Guard's first appearance in Chapter 4.

When Doctor is left alone by Captain at the entrance of the Mindhacking Facility idling to themselves, Experienced Guard appears with Miki mid-conversation confirming the documents necessary for Ivrig's release following his hack. He is caught off-guard to see Doctor outside their office, then introduces Doctor to Miki as the person who performed the Mindhacking on his brother, Ivrig.

Following his escorting of Ivrig to Miki and their one-on-one (plus Doctor), Experienced Guard mentions that Ivrig's cabinet head is welded shut from the inside when Miki brings up how much she regrets letting him wear it. Shortly after Ivrig finishes talking with Miki, Experienced Guard escorts him outside to his parents.


  • He was nicknamed Sanpakugan (三白眼) by the developers for the way his eyes look[1]. 'Sanpaku gan' is a term describing eyes that have a significant portion of the sclerae visible between the iris and the eyelid.
