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I wanted to protect you. As the captain of HOTFIX, and as your friend.
— Chapter 1

Captain (Japanese: 隊長, Taichō), also known by her full name Rebecca Thorn (レベッカ・ソーン, Rebekka Sōn), is the captain of the HOTFIX security team, making her first appearance in Chapter 1.


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Captain wears a grey hooded capelet with two shoulder pads on the shoulders which also causes her face to be obscured due to her hood, only the right eye is able to be seen as a flash of light and a small patch of her face, which is grey in hue, she has a another darker capelet around her shoulders, it’s wider and more stiff in comparison, likely this is for protection, under her capelets she seems to have on a light grey and darker grey chest plate that has a dark grey mark down the middle on the bottom sides of it, around her waist she has a black piece of armor, likely working like a belt or harness to keep everything in place, moving onto her arms she wears two black arm guards which are used to shield the doctor in the beginning of the game, she also appears to have grey fingerless gloves she appears to have a long skirt on but it’s likely a fauld which are pieces of plate armour worn below a breastplate to protect the waist and hips, she wears dark grey (perhaps dark brown?) pants with black boots


Rebecca is focused on fulfilling her duty of protecting the Mindhacker as the head of HOTFIX. Despite her intimidating appearance, she is a kind-hearted person and can't leave someone in distress. Never doubting others or looking after herself, she puts others' well-being above all else. Captain has the ability to unintentionally charm others, and is often regarded as a superhuman, charismatic person.

Captain has a close friendship with Doctor that seems to go way back. She has a habit of sharing her life experiences or wisdom with them, like talking about her recent travels. Additionally, Rebecca sometimes nudges the unwilling Mindhacker to do their work diligently, though because of her kind personality she ends up doing some of the work herself. In her own words, she used to be much more depressed in the past, but Doctor was the one who helped her become the person she is today.


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  • According to Makiko Iwasaki, the game's translator, Captain views herself as nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns, but doesn't mind being called any pronoun. This had to be confirmed with the developers in the translation process, since English is more pronoun heavy than Japanese[1].
  • As of now, the two characters who used they/them pronouns for Rebecca are Doctor and Unid[2].
  • Her favorite food is bitter chocolate and tonkatsu. Her disliked food are vegetables that get caught between teeth[3].
  • Rebecca is bad at detailed work, such as counting small change[3]. Despite that, she still tries her best doing it, like when she has to do office work.[4]
  • She has a hard time falling asleep because she keeps thinking about things like the little verbal slip-ups she made during the day[5]. Her morning routine involves doing equipment maintenance while watching morning news[4].


  1. Development blog:
  2. Unid in Chapter 3: "Why wouldn't I? Becky's my friend! Why don't you quit being shy and try to be more friendly with them?"
    Doctor in Chapter 4: "I told the captain that it doesn't concern them, and I didn't like being at the entrance."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Development blog:
  4. 4.0 4.1 2023 Q&A part 3:
  5. 2023 Q&A part 2: