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EXTRA content is unlockable content that is accessible after completing a chapter in MINDHACK. Extra content is in the form of case files, where accessibility to them is based off the speed of the player during the final typing section of the hack. Within the case files, the player has the option to repeat the respective hack of the chapter in order to pass any unfulfilled time requirements of the files. Additionally, there is a BGM player that can play background music from the game while still within in the EXTRA screens.

The player may also press the "CHEAT:UNLOCK ALL MATERIALS" button to instantly unlock all the extra content.

"About this screen" Dialogue

  • FORMAT: Good morning, Doctor! You may use this device to view more files on reformation targets.
  • FORMAT: Access to these additional files will be granted based on your skill level. Use past cases to prepare for new BUGs.
  • FORMAT: You may also simulate previous hacks to improve your skill level.
  • FORMAT: Now, my cute, precious Doctor. Study hard, and let's protect the world from BUGs with your hacking skill.


Unid File 1

Unid file 1.jpg
  • Last night, a man fell from a building under construction and suffered serious injuries, including a broken leg.
  • Though the building had been closed off during the night, a local gang was often seen entering the scene.
  • According to the man, there was a fight between Bloody Paella and a rival gang group on the night of the accident.
  • While partaking in this fight, the man was subject to physical violence and was ultimately thrown off of the building.
  • The man testified, "You can't lay a finger on Bloody Paella once they start acting up. I thought I was gonna die..."
  • Authorities announced that they will reinforce security of the surroundings and take action against gang activity.

Unid File 2

  • [Posted 3 months ago]
    Stay away from the alley at 2nd street.
  • Looks like it's recently become Bloody Paella's territory. I ran into some of them while walking there...
  • They took all my money... Said there was a tool or something. But them taking my wallet is besides the point.
  • I looked down the path, and I saw a guy surrounded by more of them. His face had been beaten up beyond recognition.
  • I don't know how they made his face look like that, some sort of neurotoxin? I'm lucky I only got my money stolen...
  • [Posted 3 months ago]
    i also saw Bloody Paella on 2nd st. i looked there cuz I heard a scream
  • a guy on the ground and their arm was bent in a weird way... they must be crazy to do that shit out in the open

Unid File 3

  • "You see, Bloody Paella's structural system is quite different from others," says A, an investigative journalist.
  • "Usually, a gang organization has a clear and coherent hierarchy, with bosses and subordinates".
  • "But Bloody Paella is structured very loosely, with members entering and leaving as they please."
  • "At the center of the group is its head, Black Sunshine. You can say that the group is built on his charisma."
  • "So I'd think it'd be difficult to crack down on Bloody Paella just by arresting random members."
  • "The safest and surest way would be to arrest and reform the core of the group, Black Sunshine."

Unid File 4

  • Today, authorities arrested 5 youths on the suspicion of illegal drug possession.
  • A new drug called "Gombessa" is currently growing to become a serious problem on the streets.
  • The drug was originally a societal issue in neighboring countries, but has been imported into our country as of late.
  • It is said that the gang group Bloody Paella is behind the rapid circulation of Gombessa.
  • Many of the arrested suspects named dealers from Bloody Paella as their means of acquisition.
  • Authorities are investigating the group, suspecting that they are distributing Gombessa as a way to procure funds.

Unid File 5

  • My father was arrested multiple times because of his Gombessa addiction. Now, my family is hiding him from the police.
  • Even if we'd never been rich, we were happy back then. But... Everything changed, all because of Gombessa.
  • My father became an angry and violent person, abusing us. He once grabbed my head and bashed it into the wall.
  • He quit work, of course. Now my mother and I work to support our family. But recently, we found out that he has debt.
  • Even now, my father steals our money to buy Gombessa, all to keep taking the drug.
  • I just want to die. All of us, the whole family. I want to end things. Is there even hope left for us?

Unid File 6

  • Last night, authorities conducted a search at the residence known as Bloody Paella's headquarters.
  • As a result, more than 300 stalks of illegal algae were found, along with equipment to manufacture illegal drugs.
  • Authorities are preparing to file charges against the group's leader, on suspicion of ordering drug production.
  • It is likely that the owner of the residence, an entrepreneur, was threatened into lending his residence.
  • Charges were not filed against the man, with insufficient evidence as to his cooperation with Bloody Paella.
  • Authorities seized the residence, and it will reportedly be put up for auction once investigations are over.

Unid File 7

  • Today, authorities arrested 28 year-old leader of gang group Bloody Paella on suspicion of arson.
  • Authorities proceeded with questioning for other charges, including illegal distribution of the drug Gombessa.
  • Though the suspect first said that he "doesn't know what that is," as well as how he had "never seen it before"...
  • He admitted to the crime after further questioning, saying that his subordinates only followed his orders.
  • Authorities say that they will proceed with investigating for additional charges.

Unid File 8

  • It was revealed that the leader of Bloody Paella, arrested on suspicion of arson, could possibly be a BUG owner.
  • Authorities halted the planned trial for said suspect, and announced that he will be sent to a Mindhack facility today.
  • It was also announced that all legal procedures against the suspect will be dropped.
  • Following this, the union leader of the shopping district that had been affected by the fire, released a comment.
  • "Though the damage done by the fire was unfortunate, it's good that a BUG owner was found because of it."
  • "I hope that the victims' pain may benefit the world, as the necessary procedures are done on the BUG owner."

Unid File 9

  • 35 people were injured and 1 person was killed in the fire, resulting in immense damage and loss.
  • The one who lost their life in the fire was a woman who ran an orphanage on the district outskirts.
  • Graduates of the orphanage organized a farewell gathering in remembrance of the victim.
  • A man who attended gave a comment, "Auntie was strict, but she had a heart of gold. She treated us all equally."
  • "It's because she brought me up so well that I can live a proper life now. It's just sad that this happened," he said.
  • 40 graduates of the orphanage gathered to bid farewell to her far too early death.


Yamamura File 1

Yamamura file 1.jpg
  • The serial student murders that shocked the world. What drove the suspect, Yamamura, to commit his crimes?
  • Yamamura comes from █ Village, an area known for having one of the heaviest snowfalls in the country.
  • We found the location of his childhood home and pressed ahead with conducting on-site interviews.
  • It was around 8 a.m. that Yamamura's younger sister, Miki Yamamura (18), came out of the building to go to school.
  • Our reporters asked Ms. Miki for any comments, but she briskly walked away from the site, as if to escape.
  • The photo below shows the present state of the interior of the building that is thought to be Yamamura's childhood home.
  • The house appears to be cluttered, with stacks of instant food stored up, perhaps so that its residents may remain inside.
  • We will continue or stakeout, and plan to release further details whenever there are any updates.

Yamamura File 2

  • A week has passed since the reformation target, charged with the serial student murders, was found to be a BUG owner.
  • As of present, Yamamura has been sent to the Mindhack facility. We interviewed the victim's families.
  • "I do think that BUG owners should undergo Mindhacking as soon as possible."
  • It was victim B's mother who spoke with us. "But..."
  • "Once they're sent to the facility, victims' families no longer receive any information about the perpetrator."
  • "Do they feel any guilt? Why did they have to kill my child?"
  • "As the victim's family, it's regrettable that the truth of these matters will never be answered."

Yamamura File 3

  • "It can be said that this incident exhibits the disengagement of today's society," says Ms. E, a criminologist.
  • "A murder involving close people, such as roommates. The cause of this is thought to be modern-day isolation."
  • "At 20 years old, the reformation target belongs to an unstable generation that experienced the start of the recession."
  • "With seemingly no end to their worries, this generation can be susceptible to violent outbursts of repressed anger."
  • "Yamamura must have dismembered the bodies as a way of showing society's growing sense of detachment."
  • "We should use this as an opportunity for more proactive care of youth and restoration of social unity."

Yamamura File 4

  • "About the reformation target? Uh... Yeah, I did take a class with him at college."
  • "I was surprised when I first saw him. I thought, what a strange person, going around with that thing on their head."
  • "But, that was all. He took the class with the rest of us without doing anything weird."
  • "He never tried to speak in class. Oh, but one time..."
  • "Our professor was pretty edgy. They'd often call on students and mess with them."
  • "So the professor called on him since he stood out, and asked for his opinion. And then..."
  • "...Uhh, what'd he say again...? He said something really normal. Like, A is right but B has a point too."
  • "The professor seemed disappointed. They were like, oh what, it's only his appearance that's interesting."
  • "Like, there's nothing to him really... The class quit paying attention to him, so I was shocked when I saw the news."

Yamamura File 5

  • "Yes, I joined the House about half a year ago, so Ivrig would be my senior disciple."
  • "It was the House's policy for us to attend all our classes. But between them..."
  • "Ivrig would preach at the local park. Oh, but I never saw anyone actually listening to him..."
  • "Other than that? There was a store run by the House, and we'd build furniture there."
  • "Since this work was part of our training, we would donate our earnings to the House."
  • "I'm also a follower, but... Honestly, Ivrig was abnormal. He was always extremely passionate."
  • "But ever since the House was criticized for its radical protests, it's been keeping a low profile..."
  • "It seemed like The House didn't really know what to do with him, either."

Yamamura File 6

  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    so that student killer's getting reformed? fiiiinally
  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    The four victims had their whole lives ahead of them. Poor kids...
  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    what were his parents doing? how did they not know their son killed someone
  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    The whole family tried to hid it apparently. They should all get hacked
  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    With these cases it's usually because of how the murderer's parents raised them.
  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    ppl from █ village must all be criminals. theyre that dangerous!!
  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    this is God's divine punishment upon humanity the Unforgiven will go to Hell
  • [Posted 1 month ago]
    ok but tf is going on in the LAGOM house? just arrest them already...

Yamamura File 7

  • Earlier this morning, a woman in her late-fifties was arrested near a Mindhack facility.
  • A knife, around 17 cm in length, was found among her belongings.
  • The woman was a family member of one of the students murdered by the reformation target Yamamura.
  • The woman gave the following statement. "I couldn't possibly forgive Yamamura."
  • "I wanted to kill him, even if I'd die trying. I couldn't stand the thought of him just getting reformed by Mindhack."
  • "Once he gets Mindhacked, it'll be like nothing ever happened. I'll never know my son's last words."
  • "I wanted him to know that the life that he took was precious."

Yamamura File 8

  • ████/██/██
    Today, I learned why love songs exist in this world!!
  • People write them as offerings to their loved ones...! Let me write her a poem from my heart, too!!
  • The finale called love brings an end to silver destiny, once closed off
    A shining blade peeking from clouds
  • Let my beating heart play a walts for you
    Listen... Can you hear it?
  • 100 roses for you
    On the day that you, merciful wings, shall fly your way to my heart
  • Finally, I can meet you
    The sole piece missing from me...
  • ████/██/██
    This can't be. Why... How could you...
  • ████/██/██
    No more emotions. No more feelings. I'm a steely cabinet now.
  • It's LAGOM that I've been seeking. I can reach holy Bedroom if I throw away my heart and become inorganic furniture!
  • From today onwards, I'll use the rest of my life to spread the wonderful message of this faith!
  • Everyone will finally listen to me now.

Yamamura File 9

  • Access forbidden to anyone other than King-Size Bed, Walk-In Closer, and Surround-Sound System.
  • "Ohhh, luxurious King-Size Bed! I have seen the truth, with my very own eyes!"
  • "O compact, armrest-lacking Stool. This is the planned site of tranquil Bedroom. Do not disturb God's slumber so."
  • "However, Bed! I saw it! The LAGOM God has no need for stools... For furniture such as us!"
  • "What did you say?"
  • "God was round!! A complete sphere!! Why would It have need for a stool, when It would simply roll off of it!"
  • "Calm yourself, small chair. LAGOM has four limbs just as humans do. It desires a soft cushion."
  • "It was all wrong!! The beautiful, spherical God has no need for chairs! Or desks! Or furniture!!"
  • "...Closet. Surround System. Shut his mouth, you two."
  • "Let me go!! I saw It! It was round! God was roooounnndd!!"
  • "This never happened. Furniture is needed. Okay?"
  • ████/██/██
    Recorded at the LAGOM House Headquarters


SINO File 1

  • This blog has often covered Operation Class 0 BUG Sweep, aka "O-0 Sweep". We know there were many casualties.
  • But its reports are sketchy. Though unofficial data reports 80 deaths or so, there are no official documents on them.
  • I assume the authorities want to hide the number of deaths for some reason. There's an interesting theory I saw...
  • Rumors say that a 'Grim Reaper'-like being was seen at the time, on the battlefield.
  • There are various theories about its identity, from a hitman sent by the government, to a ghost who dies there.
  • One said that the 'Grim Reaper' killed the same amount of people as the sweep unit. I'll keep doing research on this.

SINO File 2

  • In my last article, I discussed a 'Grim Reaper'. I've found out more about it, so I'll share it with you all.
  • So I found multiple sources confirming that there were murders caused by someone other than the sweep unit.
  • Also, a newsletter from a survivor's support group had some interesting records of what went down at the scene.
  • Apparently, people on the battlefield told each other that 'you must not scream or cry out.'
  • Voices of the wounded attract the 'Grim Reaper' or something. I thought it'd be a serial killer, but it's more occult?
  • Anyway, I continued my investigations, and... I might've hit the jackpot. Top-secret, confidential information.
  • I managed to get a peek at a copy of the 'Report by HOTFIX on Operation Class 0 BUG Sweep'.
  • In my next article, I'll be looking at this report more in-depth. Stay tuned!

SINO File 3

  • I have decided to permanently close this blog as of ████/██/██. Along with this, all past articles will also be deleted.
  • For those who have been viewing this blog, please note the following:
  • 1. There were no civilian deaths during Operation Class 0 BUG Sweep.
  • 2. There were no deaths aside from those caused by the BUG manifestation during Operation Class 0 BUG Sweep.
  • 3. The 'Report by HOTFIX on Operation Class 0 BUG Sweep' does not exist.
  • The administrator has, by their own volition, voluntarily decided to close this blog.
  • Please note that those who possess any text or images from this blog are also subject to investigation.

SINO File 4

  • ⟪Interview: 1⟫
    "Yes, I was a photographer that was at the scene of the Class 0 BUG Sweep."
  • "Have you ever seen a ghost? They say that victims of disasters are sometimes seen near where they died."
  • "In the photographs I've taken until now, there was one that had a strange shadow. It wasn't a civilian, for sure."
  • "How do I put it... Like... black fog. A cluster of small triangles, that formed into a human shape..."
  • "It was slithering around. Too bad I took the photograph in a hurry, I couldn't get a clear shot of it."
  • "But still... I have no idea where they heard it from, but the authorities came to see me."
  • "They took the photo that had the ghost in it with them, among other things."
  • "I wonder what sort of investigation it would help. I can't see why they'd want that photo... It was strange."

SINO File 5

  • ⟪Interview: 2⟫
    "The 'Grim Reaper', right. I saw it. Well, to be frank... It attacked me."
  • "It was like black dust, but you could touch it... It grabbed me. By my throat. It slammed me to the ground."
  • "Then, it got on top of me and strangled me... And also, it... It has a knife, somehow."
  • "I was thinking to myself, isn't it a ghost, why would it even need to use a weapon..."
  • "But then, it started to shave it off. The skin, off of my body. Obviously I screamed bloody murder."
  • "But it seemed to get more excited the more I was in pain... Near the end, I could only bear to breathe."
  • "I think it got tired of me, since it went somewhere else. The 'Grim Reaper' isn't some ghost. It was real."

SINO File 6

  • ⟪Interview: 3⟫
    "...If you really want to hear it. Well, you know what, yeah. It's time."
  • "10 years ago, during the sweep. I was late to evacuate, since I worked at a hospital."
  • "When it got too dangerous and we had to run, I saw someone collapsed on the street."
  • "When I looked closer, there was a pool of blood. They were crouched down, smothered in this black mist."
  • "I immediately thought, oh shit. Me and some others pulled them out. The mist was so strong... I don't know how."
  • "After escaping, we stopped to treat their wound. I worked at a hospital, so I knew the moment I saw it."
  • "When they got stabbed, it looked as if the knife had gouged the cut. I thought, oh, this wasn't to kill."
  • "It was to hurt, to torture, to slowly kill them in agony... I still see that black mist in my dreams sometimes."

SINO File 7

  • I saw the dream again, that vile dream
    A mass of meat in the corner of a room
    In its worn cradle, it wails from hunger
  • Unable to bear it any further
    I cover mine ears and wake with a jolt
    Such a repulsive nightmare, every night
  • The battlefield is much better
    Compared to that dark, humid, clinging dream
  • Today, the man who slept next to me
    Did not notice me, fatal, in the shadows
    He was caught in the burst and died
  • More room to sleep, how pleasant
    If only I did not see that strange dream, I would be most satisfied
  • It feels like that flabby, gelatinous monster is crawling from its cradle
    Slowly, gradually, towards me
  • Its voice condemns all with its whining
    The wailing maketh me feel like mine own existence is wrong, how vexing
  • What ridiculous illusion, I am different
    From those fools that know not the worth of this mission, fearing FATAL ERROR
  • Those garbage should not have been born
    What a perfect opportunity to teach them
    There is no place in the world for you
  • I am right
    That machine's orders are right
  • I only hope that the hateful monsters in my dreams quickly starves to death
  • Vile, but I wake in my body, whole
    Night falleth deeper into
    The shadows of my dreams

SINO File 8

  • I saw it again, but I am in a good mood
    I saw something much more pleasant
    The corpse of a woman cradling a child
  • Black thorns, all over her body
    She was shot with a gun, the bullet in her head must have stopped the burst
  • Thorns bursteth forth from her stomach, they pierced through and killed the baby
    Still firmly embraced in her arms
  • Foolish woman, it is as if you killed the child yourself, how pathetic
    Utterly meaningless, worth nothing
  • Nothing is left, nothing, nothing
    What a foolish death
  • As I gaze upon them
    It is like the answer to those days
    My heart feels so light!
  • 10 years from the death of my parents in that filthy house, those garbage
    I am different, I chose mine own life
  • I am not them, I am not this woman
    I will become more cunning, more tenacious than anyone to survive
  • Those inferior, worthless humans
    If one fool yearns for a hopeless wish
    Those around them also rot, like fruit
  • How dare they say, it is for my child!
    Serves them right!
    Those idiots who left me all alone!

SINO File 9

  • Observation Target: SINO
    Storage medium: Floppy Disk
    Storage Period: 10 Years, 4 Months
  • Saved onto storage medium due to damage to physical body. No deterioration is seen as of present.
  • Remarkable deviance can be seen in psychological development. Indications of trauma in childhood are present.
  • Inclined to aim destructive impulses towards observer when communicating. Beware of strong sadistic tendencies.
  • Though treatment in the form of therapy has been underway, 10 years of efforts have borne no fruit.
  • Correction through Mindhack is deemed optimal. Will try to deliver target to a Mindhacker while avoiding FORMAT.


COM_Z File 1

  • ⟪Development Log ████/██/██⟫
    I just came out of a meeting on how to utilize AI against BUGs.
  • There's already an established technology that edits humans' minds and revises them into harmless psyches.
  • However, the problem is that those who must be edited, the BUG owners, cannot be identified from their appearance.
  • Because of this, it's been decided that support will be sought from ████, a company which develops advanced AI.
  • If AI processing power improves, it wouldn't be impossible to create a scanner that can visualize BUGs.
  • We must discuss the ethics of having a machine, rather than a human with a soul, judge the errors in humans...
  • Having said that, my opinion is that outside technology has to be brought in to go somewhere with this project.

COM_Z File 2

  • ⟪Development Log ████/██/██⟫
    A new AI was created using what we'd been developing.
  • The AI, named FORMAT, easily passed all the BUG scanning tests with its high processing power.
  • It's true that FORMAT is capable. But to entrust every decision to FORMAT, even if it's to eradicate all BUGs...
  • Isn't it too dangerous? I can see that FORMAT's developers are confident, but we couldn't accept that proposal.
  • The human mind is strongly connected to its body. What creates the mind is feedback from the five senses.
  • If we make an AI without a body pass judgement on the mind, it could have unexpected consequences.
  • We've decided to continue developing our original prototype, separate from FORMAT.
  • From now on, we'll part ways with them as a different team, and continue the project on our own.

COM_Z File 3

  • ⟪Development Log ████/██/██⟫
    We've decided to create a humanoid body for the prototype in development.
  • We thought that a body was necessary in order for it to understand the human mind, and to cure humans with empathy.
  • Right now, we're trying to think of a name for this prototype. We can't keep calling it 'the prototype' forever.
  • Apparently, FORMAT was named for its purpose in resetting BUG owners, returning them to a certain format...
  • But is the human mind so simple? Is erasing humans with BUGs the only option?
  • I've been scribbling and erasing these words over and over again, as I try to somehow gather my thoughts.
  • ...'Undo'. To reverse the last command and go forward again. The unending process of revision and advancement.
  • Like that, shouldn't the human mind be able to revise and redo? I think that's the kind of AI that we must strive for.
  • I've decided what the prototype's name should be. I'll name it with a certain hope in mind.
  • With the hope that it'll gently guide mistaken souls back from stray paths, and send them forward again.

COM_Z File 4

  • Today, the "1st Annual Mindhack Conference" was held, the first of its kind in our nation.
  • The conference was held as a place to discuss the future of the new technology, "Mindhack"...
  • A technology that reforms personalities by rewriting targets' source codes.
  • Many scholars and scientists are taking an opposing position against this newly emerged technology.
  • "It's heartbreaking to see the number of reformation targets whose dignities have been violated by this procedure."
  • "Though many clinical trials have been done up until now..."
  • "There are more people who've had their minds destroyed by Mindhacking than there are who have been reformed."
  • To such opinions, the president of the Mindhack Association argues as follows.
  • "It's a matter of fact that Mindhack has successfully reformed many BUG owners."
  • "The annual number of deaths due to BUG manifestation has lessened by more than 50% since last year, a splendid result."

COM_Z File 5

  • To whom it may concern:
    We hope this letter finds you well.
  • You have achieved excellence and showed an exemplary performance at the 1st Kids Mindhacking Championship.
  • Due to this, you are officially permitted to take on the role of Mindhacker at our Mindhack facility.
  • After submitting the required documents, please come to the Mindhack facility to go through the procedures for moving in.
  • The facility will guarantee financial support for your household, and any other support you may need.
  • Your skill and talent will immensely benefit society, and to that we offer you our heartfelt congratulations.

COM_Z File 6

  • Today, the "10th Annual Mindhack Conference" was held.
  • On its 10th anniversary, the conference looked back on Mindhack's history and discussed its future development.
  • Former reformation targets, who have successfully reintegrated to society, gave lectures at the conference.
  • "I regained hope and a sense of purpose after receiving Mindhack. Now, I can live a normal life in society."
  • "I want everyone who's struggling and in pain from committing a crime to know that there's the option of Mindhack."
  • A Mindhacker team from abroad also came onstage to speak. "We see our reformation targets as our children..."
  • "And at the same time, we view them with pride, as medals of honor." They celebrated Mindhack with those words.

COM_Z File 7

  • At the 10th Annual Mindhack Conference, annual reports were made by Mindhack facilities throughout the nation.
  • Each facility presented records of reformation cases and how they have been training their Mindhackers.
  • One in particular was notable, as it was the only facility to implement use of FORMAT, an AI that scans for BUGs.
  • With the facility having an outstanding number of reformed targets, it seems that BUG scanning is extremely effective.
  • Additionally, the FORMAT facility is also known for its Mindhacker being highly skilled in their practice...
  • The Mindhacker in question is famous for winning the 1st Kids Mindhacking Championship.
  • Training young Mindhackers will be the key to dealing with the growing number of reformation targets.

COM_Z File 8

  • We strongly oppose the forced practice of Mindhacking upon criminals.
  • Mindhack is a dangerous technology that deprives us of our humanity and what it is that makes us humans.
  • Are you aware of the conspiracy that Dobug time travelers are controlling the government?
  • It's a theory that originates from a certain country, and is attracting more attention and credibility by the day.
  • The discourcse that "BUGs lurk within the human mind" is propaganda spread by the Dobug in order to enslave us.
  • BUGs don't actually exist. The excessive coverage on imaginary freeze disasters is also the Dobug time travelers' work.
  • Instead of being Mindhacked, criminals should equip our uniquely developed "Aether Balancing Device" instead.
  • It not only prevents Dobug brainwashing but also purifies one's inner aura... (The description goes on and on)

C██_█ Fil█ 9

  • Ah, ehem.
    This is being recorded properly, right? Good, good!
  • My name is COM_Z. You're probably looking at this file from your computer right now.
  • And, something might've happened to me... But that's besides the point.
  • Judging by our talk, methinks you've become FORMAT's "child".
  • But... Put a hand on your heart and think it over again, and ask yourself if that's really okay.
  • Humans change. As time goes on, they change whether it's for better or worse.
  • No matter what kind of person you were up until now, there's always an opportunity to change.
  • From the bottom of my heart, I hope that you can go forward in a better direction than before!
  • Keep this file hush-hush from FORMAT, okay? Well then... We'll meet again!