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Answer me, who art thou. Art thou worthy of quenching the thirst of my blade?

SINO (Japanese: シノ) is one of Doctor's patients, making its first appearance in Chapter 3. It is a BUG variant that was born 10 years ago, during the sweep operation on the special Class 0 Catastrophe-level BUG.


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From the outside, SINO appears as a floppy disk with their name written on a piece of tape.

Inside the floppy disk is what they really look like. SINO's skin is pitch black, their arms and legs are nubs which are detached from their body. They have three pairs of yellow-colored eyes. They wear a hood and a face veil, covering everything except for their eyes. The hood has the HOTFIX logo plastered on top of it. The hood could also possibly be a Sōhei Cowl.


SINO enjoys writing.

When the player first meets SINO, they present themselves as arrogant and callous. They are extremely sadistic and proud of their status as "the embodiment of destruction". When it talks to Doctor, it mentions that it enjoys hearing the sounds of pain and agony, as well as torturing other humans. It zealoisly worships The FATAL ERROR and wants more people to understand that destruction is the purest form of love.

Deep down though, the BUG variant is still deeply affected by their past. For one, they don't seem to understand affection or concern when it is directly expressed to them, as they've only ever been neglected before. They showed confusion when remembering how the Professor worried about them for what they've been through.

Additionally, even if they say that they now 'love' humans, they still cling to their belief that some humans are inherently more worthy than others and continue to look down upon them. They merely mistake their hateful, destructive urge as love, being 'taught' so by the FATAL ERROR. They also have low self-esteem and seem to hate themself, possibly projecting this self-hatred onto others. They want to be recognized and to prove their worth, but hide it behind a haughty facade.

Never letting their guard down, SINO is seldom honest about their feelings. But according to COM_Z, they are just lonely and would open up when presented with an opportunity to talk. SINO is endeed talkative, both in game, blogs and spin-off material.

In adulthood, SINO had a habit of writing a diary. In it, they mentioned seeing nightmares about their past life, as well as wrote some details about the Sweep operation they participated in.


Before game events

SINO sighted as a BUG variant.

SINO comes from a country different from the one seen in the game. They were said to have been raised in a culture in which people are required to always wear face veils, only being allowed to show their unconcealed face to someone they had a marital bond with[2]. Their archaic dialect could also be part of the country's traditions.

SINO lived in a poor family together with their parents and a younger brother. Their sibling was born with a disease, so the parents did everything they could to help the sick child, including selling organs and starving to save up money. The mother eventually died, followed by the death of the younger sibling who couldn't survive without her care anymore. The father was driven mad and commited suicide by falling into a river. This left SINO to fend for themself, all alone. SINO gravely detested their family for abandoning them, and this deeply rooted hatred gave birth to their belief that not all human lives are equal. That some humans are more worthy than others, and that "worthless" humans don't deserve to live.

Through adulthood, SINO continued to survive, having nowhere to go and no one to rely on. They finally saw a perfect opportunity to seize a lot of money in the hunt for the FATAL ERROR, and joined the HOTFIX scouting troops to participate in the Sweep operation on the Class 0 BUG. The operation was extremely dangerous, but they didn't plan to die - they avoided death "better than anyone" and ran away from the battlefield when the situation got too dire, not caring for the deaths of others.

At some point during the operation, they got caught in a BUG burst. They didn't simply meet their end, however. Instead, they experienced what seemed like eternal suffering - they felt themselves disintegrate, pure destruction breaking their body repeatedly. After that infinite hell, SINO's body was reborn into a BUG variant. But not wanting to accept their suffering as meaningless, SINO decided that this signified them being 'chosen' by the FATAL ERROR.

When SINO awoke, they found that they now received a new, pleasing sensation upon hearing other people's dying cries. They saw this as a blessing from their new Master, and wanted to seek more. They then traveled around the battlefield, torturing the remaining humans to please themself and the FATAL ERROR with peoples' last breaths. Their presence didn't go unnoticed by the other sweep participants - they were nicknamed the "Grim Reaper" for their evanescent, ghostly appearance and for the fact that they come after people who are nearing death. Some rumored that SINO ultimately killed as many people as the sweep unit.

In the end, their rampage was stopped by COM_Z, a robot who studied human psychology. When the two met, SINO thought they could easily kill them just like the other humans on the battlefield, but COM_Z effortlessly decapitated them using drones[3]. They then stored SINO's mind inside a floppy disk, believing it was possible to rehabilitate them. SINO spent the next 10 years inside the floppy, conversing with their captor every day.

Game events

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  • Most characters in the facility use it/its pronouns when referring to SINO, probably because they perceive SINO as a BUG variant, not as a person. COM_Z, on the other hand, refers to SINO using they/them pronouns[1].
  • "SINO" is not the name they were given at birth, but a name given to them by COM_Z. It's an acronym for "Sandbox Integrated Noetic Object". Their birthday was also picked by COM_Z in one of the Q&As[4].
  • Their favorite type of sushi is Tai sushi[5].
  • According to COM_Z, they come from a basin[6].
  • As SINO has a nervous temper, their morning routine consists of them checking all the hiding spots in their room. COM_Z also theorized that they would have trouble falling asleep without a knife by their side[7].
  • SINO and Asari were said to live in neighboring countries[8].


  1. 1.0 1.1 Captain in Chapter 3: "Apparently, it began attacking everyone who was there, amidst the chaos of the operation."
    COM_Z in Chapter 4: "When I first found them, their body was in a really bad state from just having turned into a BUG..."
  2. 2023 Q&A part 1:
  3. Noetic Zoetic spin-off:
  4. 2023 Q&A part 5:
  5. 2022 Q&A part 5:
  6. 2022 Q&A part 2:
  7. 2023 Q&A part 3:
  8. Hodev's tweet: