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Gombessa is great! In my country, everyone loves it! Everyone's a customer!
— This quote was fan-translated.

Asari (Japanese: アサリ) is one of the members of the street gang Bloody Paella. They are a drug dealer who came from another country.


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  • They speak with an accent in the original Japanese. For example, they say "shu" (シュ)instead of "su" (ス). This is a way to highlight their foreign manner of speech. Furthermore, one of the comics showed that Asari needed an interpreter when they just came to the country, as they probably couldn't speak the language at all[1].
  • Their favorite food is classic ice cream made from milk and eggs[2].
  • Their unknown gender is likely a reference to real life clams, as a clam's sex is almost impossible to discern by appearance.
  • Asari and SINO were said to live in neighboring countries[3].
