Mindhacking facility

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Mindhacking facilities are special institutions for rehabilitating the toughest of criminals deemed to be BUG owners. This page focuses on detailing information on the facility seen in the game.

Notable differences

This facility is famous for its use of FORMAT, the most advanced BUG-scanning artificial intelligence. Other facilities employ small-scale imitations of FORMAT instead[1]. Another notable difference is Doctor, who is seen as a 'genius' in broad society. Unlike other Mindhackers, they are strictly protected and live inside the facility, seemingly never going outside, not even attending the annual Mindhacking Conferences. Because of all of this, dangerous possessors of high-class BUGs can be sent to this facility even if they come from another country[2].


Map of the facility as shown in a development blog.

The facility is located on the outskirts of a city, near a national highway. It is surrounded by walls with watchmen towers. A dormitory for the HOTFIX team is located nearby, as well as parking lots for special vehicles and for those who commute to work by car or motorcycle.

It is divided into two buildings: an administrative one and a housing one. The former contains the main entrance, offices where the staff works, as well as stores and a cafeteria. The latter houses reformation targets - their solitary cells as well as a special cafeteria for them. The two buildings are connected by a corridor, the one seen in the game as one of the backgrounds.

As Doctor lives inside the facility, there is a bedroom and a bathroom made specifically for them.

It is unknown whether other facilities share this layout.
