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Oho! Black! Long time no see!
— This quote was fan-translated.

Ei (Japanese: エイ) is one of the members of the street gang Bloody Paella. He is the one renting his big mansion as a hideout for the gang.


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Ei is a black Manta Ray with orangish red eyes that are ontop of eachother rather then being side to side both eyes have thin black pupils, they wear a dark almost bluish grey caplet with golden buttons keeping it in place, along the sides of the shoulders it has white markings, along with a red almost scarf like collar around their neck beneath the capelet is a red vest, along with black pants.

On their fins they have a salmon color on the under side that also has white markings that continues down to their tail what has two little spikes on the top sides of it, their tail has various markings in black the most notable being a eye with a red sclera and yellow pupil


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  • His favorite food is blue cheese. [1]


  1. Bloody Paella profile: https://mindhack.xyz/archives/6098