Chapter 1/Script

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How to play graphic.jpg

(The player is presented with a "HOW TO PLAY" graphic, showcasing the controls)

Left-click to start.
To quit the game, press ESC.

(The scene is pitch black)

Process confirmed. Disconnecting.

(The pitch-black view around Doctor is warped away, unmasking the player's vision)

The tofu guy.jpg

(The unnamed block-headed patient clutches his head in visible pain, slowly breathing, and an unnamed deer-horned HOTFIX member approaches them; Doctor lowers their hands)

(Captain knocks on an invisible surface, presumably the patient's chair, which grabs Doctor's attention to face towards Captain)

Something's wrong with him."

"You should be out there...."

(The patient's body suddenly protrudes spikes, emitting a black steam of particles)

Watch out!"

(Doctor and the HOTFIX member attempts to shield themselves; Doctor's vision goes pitch black)

(Doctor's vision slowly returns; the scene is masked with a section of broken glass with the patient frozen, his body still blasting beams of black particles; Captain is covering Doctor, and she turns her head to them shortly when they wake up and slowly their vision towards her)

Hurry, run away!"

(Captain walks away from Doctor and vaults the broken glass wall to approach the patient, and Doctor reaches their right hand out to her, slowly raising their left hand; their left hand jolts up when Captain does a swinging motion at the patient, and the scene is immediately cut and switched to the MINDHACK logo in pitch black)

Scene1 After the Accident

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