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Image Name Description Requirement
Achievement softened spikes.jpg
SOFTENED SPIKES Completed Case 01 Complete Chapter 1.
Achievement free hugs.jpg
FREE HUGS Unlocked all Unid EXTRA materials Read the 9th Unid EXTRA File.
Achievement scrap.jpg
SCRAP Completed Case 02 Complete Chapter 2.
Achievement im fin e.jpg
I'M FIN E Unlocked all Yamamura EXTRA materials Read the 9th Yamamura EXTRA File.
Achievement a little ruin.jpg
A LITTLE RUIN Completed Case 03 Complete Chapter 3.
Achievement doing okay.jpg
DOING OKAY? Unlocked all SINO EXTRA materials Read the 9th SINO EXTRA File.
Achievement playfulness.jpg
PLAYFULNESS Say unnecessary thing In the beginning of Chapter 1, select the "The one before you is dead." option when Captain introduces Newbie Guard to Doctor.
Achievement best friend forever.jpg
BEST FRIEND FOREVER Show friendly greeting In the beginning of Chapter 2, select the "Suuuup, Becca!" option when talking with Newbie Guard and Captain.
Achievement lagon.jpg
LAGON? Anger the fanatic In Chapter 2, select the "LAGON, was it?" option when finishing Yamamura's hack.
Achievement antisocial.jpg
ANTISOCIAL Get angry at a slip of the tongue In the beginning of Chapter 3, select the "Fuck you too, Newbie!" option when talking with Unid and Newbie Guard.
Achievement bam and boom.jpg
BAM AND BOOM Blow a joke In Chapter 4, select the "I don't know what it is either." option while talking with Miki and Yamamura.
Achievement com z.jpg
██████ Completed Case 04 Complete Chapter 4.
Achievement back door.jpg
BACK DOOR Unlocked all COM_Z EXTRA materials Read the 9th COM_Z EXTRA File.
Achievement bad end.jpg
BAD END Reach the bad ending In Chapter 4, select the "Destroy" option while alone with the flowers lent by Captain.